a Doctor and a famous TV presenter Alexander mjasnikov has explained why he keeps in his medicine chest the viagra. The purpose of the drug, which is usually used to improve the potency, a doctor said in the program “Thank you, doctor!”

According to Myasnikov, recently, he needed eye drops, but he couldn’t find them. The doctor looked all over the Cabinet, which maintain all necessary medications and even viagra.

Official representative of the information center for coronavirus stressed that she took the drug with a drug on Tibet. The butchers explained that viagra improves breathing and relieves pulmonary hypertension. He also added that skiers use it for the same purpose.

meanwhile, in the program “nightingales. LIVE” butcher commented on the fear of people who are infected COVID-19. The doctor said that the infection will sooner or later overcome all, and those “who should die will die.”

Read the material: butchers called drugs that are dangerous to take for pain relief