Online platforms came out “Emma.” Autumn de Wilde — a new adaptation of the Jane Austen novel. According to Julia Siegelman, the film moved the story about the national matchmaking on the screen with a grace worthy of the original.Emma Woodhouse (Anya Taylor-joy), beautiful, smart and rich girl, lives in an idyllic rural location with the nervous dad (bill Nighy) who is afraid of drafts. The main problem that preoccupies her peers — the search for a suitable groom, so it is not relevant, because it has everything you need for happiness: own funds and the opportunity to be a full-fledged mistress in their father’s estate. But at 21, still all my thoughts are about love, so Emma all day busy, which is a potential perfect pair of friends and neighbors, and builds strategic plans, how to bring them together. New project — the orphan Harriet Smith (MIA Gott), which should be slightly pooltest and to marry a young priest to Mr. Elton (Josh O’connor). And the fact that the girl likes the farmer, Mr. Martin (Connor Swindells) and she to him, too — for pity’s sake, so small Emma does not float.Of course, fate on all of these Mr. and miss, including the very miss Woodhouse, our plans, however, from time to time Emma, securely fenced from the tiresome reality of your money situation in a small village community, the status of the General favourite and boundless self-confidence, does not understand and does not notice. As well as long views neighbor Mr. Knightley (johnny Flynn), with whom so much fun to spar that is so boring to listen to sermons. But wedding bells in the finale will be performed exactly for those who need it, and they will all live happily ever after — except that Mr. Elton will carry less than others, but he in the end himself to blame.”Emma” is the last novel Jane Austen published during the life of the writer, in 1815. Like her other works, it is quite often filmed, and as observing all the historical details and the shifting action to the present. The most famous of these adaptations, the 1995 Comedy “Clueless”, where the British hinterland was replaced by Beverly hills, and provincial ladies and gentlemen — students and teachers at expensive private schools. But there was, for example, even the Indian “Emma”, renamed “Aisha” (2010), as expected, with songs and dances.The new “Emma.” with a meaningful point in the title is the fine line between deconstruction and neat costume posing with all befitting her lady’s joys — dresses, hats, ribbons and bows, flowered Wallpaper, intricate setting and English folk songs in the soundtrack. This collaboration of two debutantes in a big movie: the script was written by Eleanor Catton, who became in 2013 the youngest of laureathe fact of the Booker prize (for historical novel “the Luminaries”), and put a picture of Autumn de Wilde, before filmed music videos for famous artists. Both were able to accurately capture ostinowsky snide tone. Each caramel-marshmallow-marzipan frame is perfectly calibrated and built (operator Chris Blauvelt), ruched Empire dresses and curls hairstyles stacked in perfect order, dialogue honestly follow the classic text, the entire “Emma.”, as the sponge cake with syrup, impregnated with undisguised irony.The filmmakers make some postmodern visual jokes: a young boarders glide over the edge of the frame in red capes reminiscent of “the handmaid’s Tale” and clearly hinting at a woman’s place in the world of the ruling Patriarchy; and Mr. Knightley undressing in the first five minutes of screen time: like “the female gaze” — you get to sign it. However, all this is nothing more than a game. In contrast, for example, from Greta Gerwig in the recent “Little women”, Catton and de Wilde do not try to forcibly instill the Regency era modern agenda. Of course, they share the view of the Austin that woman — like man — it is better to be rich and healthy, but as she did, you know that in the XIX century it was a matter of luck and not choice. In this case, lucky for the audience: a couple from the book and the film adaptation was perfect.
British Council Yes love Jane Austen paid tribute in the film “Emma.”