
In the heart of Abilene, Texas, a community deeply rooted in faith and tradition, three Christian university campuses stand as pillars of education. As the upcoming election draws near, students at these institutions are preparing to cast their first votes, navigating the intersection of religion and politics.

At Abilene Christian University, students like Marlee Foster and Molly Daugherity are leading the charge in encouraging their peers to engage in political discourse. Foster, president of the College Republicans, believes that one can be both politically engaged and faithful, emphasizing the importance of understanding differing perspectives without passing judgment.

On the other end of the spectrum, Daugherity, president of ACU’s Campus Democrats, shares similar sentiments about the intertwining of religion and politics. Despite their differences, students from various political clubs at ACU have come together to foster dialogue and understanding, setting aside their ideological divides for the greater good.

Meanwhile, at McMurry University, sophomores Zach Rivera and Garrison Shin have taken it upon themselves to bridge the political gap on their campus by founding the Political Awareness Committee. Emphasizing voter education and issue understanding, the duo highlights the importance of respectful conversations that challenge assumptions.

The students at these Christian universities in Abilene are showcasing that political engagement and respectful dialogue can coexist, regardless of one’s beliefs. Despite their diverse approaches, the overarching message remains the same: every vote counts. As Election Day approaches, these students are urging their peers to exercise their right to vote and make their voices heard.

The efforts of these students to promote unity and understanding amidst political differences serve as a beacon of hope in a time of heightened division. By coming together, listening to one another, and engaging in meaningful conversations, they are paving the way for a more inclusive and empathetic political landscape.