Zonhoven, The onderzoekrechter the casino has a Race of V. now it is also officially used in the investigation of the murder of a 25-year-old girlfriend, Naomi, Melaer. Monday, it will do an autopsy held on the body.

be The police of Limburg, the Region’s Capital, hit vrijdagvoormiddag the lifeless body of the 25-year-old, She Melaer in the home, in the Schelstraat in Zonhoven. The victim was found with a violence to the life, to be brought up. Christopher V. – her boyfriend – has been arrested. In the laboratory, as well as the federal judicial police went at the spot and carried out a mainly digital technology research. “In this way, there will be as little as possible, DNA and other traces, distributed, or cleared”, says the public prosecutor’s office.


“Christopher V. it has now been brought before the examining magistrate in the Square. That is the decision the husband, after a preliminary hearing, to hold on to,” says spokesman Bruno Colpin of the public prosecutor of the province Limburg. Further research will provide more clarity as to the exact cause of death. “My client wants to cooperate with the investigation,” says the lawyer, the teacher, Lisa Ceunen. On Monday, it will, in all likelihood, the autopsy conducted on the body of Naomi, Melaer. That research needs to provide clear information about the cause of death. The couple was still living, but since the 1st of January of 2020 within the house, which they rented. Worked closely with the neighbors, it was not quite there yet. “There was a recent case, along with a puppy, purchased to where they will be made”, says a neighbour. “On Wednesday, I sure have spent some time in the garden and seen while playing with the dog. We also have anything heard of it or heard of it.”