a number of unions of employees in the agro-food sector represent an open letter to Comeos. “After some negotiating, it must be noted that it is not possible, it is a agreement of insurance sector.” For this reason, the vakbondsfront bargaining at the enterprise level.

that The letter of the BBTK, ITS Pulse, is the FEDERATION and the CNE. To the front is the compensatievoorstel of the sector federation Comeos more than enough. For example, it provides that the proposal does not constitute a recommendation to the shops for opening hours, to fit in or to make on Sunday is to close. Even with the extra days of leave, which Comeos represents are not. According to the vakbondsfront, among other things, that may not apply to all employees in all food stores. It could be that only employees who are in direct contact with the customer is eligible for the credit.

“On the basis of this proposal, ( … ), the common vakbondsfront starting on Monday of the enterprises to speak with the negotiations to start at the company level”, what it sounds like. For example, the trade unions ensure that there is a reduction of the hours “without loss of pay”. As a compensation for the period of 5 days additional leave in the form of a vacation or the insurance premiums. “It’s not a focus for the solidarity and the workers are going to the victims.”

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