University, federal, and local law enforcement to keep this easter weekend re-inspections on non-essential travel. For example, there are more checkpoints in the parking lot of the gas station along the E40 motorway, at University, at the end of the A10 to Ostend, and the other exits on the highway, as in Roeselare. “The risk is that, in spite of the exit ban a lot of people are opting for this sunny weather at the coast that go with it. We would strongly advise against it”, says the West-Flemish governor, Carl Decaluwé. Your cookie settings to make sure that the content is not displayed.

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In the University, for example, checks in at around 13 hours, to start. Bikers won’t be on the highway and lead to a suspect vehicle from the interior, a car with several people on board, or for vehicles with bikes on a bike rack in the direction of the snelwegparking. There are two checkpoints manned by the federal police, the customs and the local police, Shoe. Anyone who is not a valid reason to go to the coast, get a warrant, and, under police escort back onto the motorway, but then went home. It provides for a fine of 250 euros. Your cookie settings to make sure that the content is not displayed.

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Your check is a smaller scale than last week, but the more focused we are hearing from the people on the ground.On easter Sunday, and easter Monday will have the controls in general, late governor Decaluwé even know about it. The local police forces are in other parts of the province, such as the exit from the E403 in Roeselare. In addition, it also checks to be held on the local roads, as people pass along the dare to drive to get to the eye of the police, and to escape from it. Also the controls due to environmental factors in general.