Before the presidential election in the United States has remained less than one hundred days. Pandemic coronavirus, hit hard by America, have made significant changes to the process of election of the head of the White house. What are the chances of Donald trump to stay in his chair to face his main rival Democrat Joe Biden?
Coronavirus with its socio-economic consequences dealt a serious blow not only to the health and well-being of millions of Americans, but also to the presidential ambitions of Donald trump.
And the Democrat Biden and the Republican trump in his challenge for the presidency put forward the arguments in favor of the fact that they are the best choice for America. The campaign of the current head of the White house focused on the message of the “law and order” as Biden claims that trump missed a blow to the coronavirus that cost the lives of thousands of Americans.
Joe Biden called his opponent the first racist to become President of the United States. The reason for sticking to trump that label were the statements of the President, calling the pandemic coronavirus “Chinese virus.”
According to a democratic candidate, “absolutely disgusting” the Jersey boys “talks to people based on the color of their skin, their national origin”.
“No incumbent President has ever done this, – fell upon the trump, the former Vice President in the Obama administration. – Never, never, never. No Republican President has not done so. No democratic President. We were racists, and they existed, and they tried to elect a President. And here they got first.”
the campaign trump does not remain anything else how to call the words of Biden “insult to the intelligence of black voters” and said that trump “loves all people”.
whatever it was that broke out in America in connection with the death of an African-American George Floyd protests and unrest gradually transfered the riots and acts of violence, is also quite contradictory impact on the chances of trump to be elected for a second term.
His promises are hard to enforce “law and order” (including by sending Federal security forces in the throes of “anarchy” areas of the country) cause gnashing of teeth from liberals and leftists, while the more conservative part of the population, it seems, was sympathetic to the statements of trump (but it is possible that he considered his actions to curb the protest wave is not enough).
opponents of the incumbent President of the United States blame him for the split of the nation and almost in the war against its own people. And yet in the desire of using police violence to hold the presidential office for a second term.
in short, coronavirus crisis, coupled with the exposed in the ongoing protests of racial��e and social issues, creates a difficult for trump’s campaign entourage.
opinion polls have strongly disturb the 45th President of the United States. The poll conducted by CNN/SSRS among registered voters shows that former us Vice-President Joe Biden is leading in Florida (51%), a few points ahead of trump (46%). This is a truly alarming bell for the campaign of the current President.
according to CNN, the elections are still about a hundred days, and history shows that the gap in Florida can be reduced, but if trump wants to be elected to a second term, he needs to turn the tide in their favor. The same story says that none of the Republican presidential candidate won the election without Florida since Calvin Coolidge in 1924. But in June, the Chairman of the National Committee of the Republican party Ronna Romney McDaniel talked about Florida as a place where trump of residence, feels like home.
And if only Florida! Democrat Biden, according to the same polls, is leading in other States where four years ago, won the trump.
In Arizona, Biden with his 49% bypassed trump on four points, while in Michigan the leadership of Biden looks more convincing (52% to 40%).
In regard to the problem of coronavirus and racial inequality, the level of disapproval trump is about 60% in these three States. In relation to the outbreak of the coronavirus 60% disapprove of the President in Arizona, 59% in Michigan, and 57% in Florida. With regard to the issues of racial inequality in the United States, 59% disapprove of trump in Arizona and in Michigan, 57 percent in Florida.
But in Arizona and Florida, the majority of respondents (52%) evaluate the President positively for his management of the economy. In Michigan the sympathy of antipathy towards Trump from an economic point of view, about equally divided (47% approve, 49% disapprove).
the Battle between the two main contenders for the next presidential term promises to be hot.
trump’s Words that he might not recognize the election results if they are rigged, has caused serious agitation in the camp of the Democrats.
the Current President extremely satisfied promoted against the background of a pandemic idea of voting by mail. According to trump, the United States can totally go to vote by mail.
“It will be the most rigged elections in history,” says trump, explaining that people take the ballots from mailboxes, print thousands of fakes and “forced” people to sign and forge the names.
As told to Reuters Agency a source aware of the strategy of the campaign, Biden, surrounded by the former democratic Vice President is already preparing for the “nightmare scenario” in which trump will lideroVAT at the counting of the votes given personally in swing States, but will complain that victory was stolen from him in the days that followed, when they counted the ballots vote by mail.
According to specializing in elections lawyer Mark brewer, trump “lays the Foundation to say: “the Election was stolen, it was fraud, we will go to court, we’re going to call people to the streets. This guy is capable of anything, so we have to plan everything.”
on the other side of the fence retort, accusing Democrats of trying to undermine the integrity of the election through the efforts, which are fraught with fraud, and asserting that free and fair election victory of President trump guaranteed.
But trump’s unwillingness to deal with vote by mail has a very solid ground. Because this expression means an increase in the number who took in the election of the voters. And that the President is Republican is not profitable, it is believed that voters-Democrats in the U.S. anymore. And in the last election-2016 victory Trump has provided a system of electors, although if you count the total number who gave him votes, he would have lost.
“the Rescue” to the American elections COVID-19 made the idea of voting by mail seductive in some States – as a way to avoid additional risks of infection that are difficult to avoid in the organization of the people’s will.
Coronavirus mixes the cards of trump, known for his love of large-scale political show. But because of the danger of infection he has to step on to proudly own ambitions and instead crowded meetings to try new forms of communication with the electorate. Recently, the President of the United States was “pleased” the voters of Wisconsin: “it will be difficult to conduct these large mass meetings, so I spend telemeeting and we will call them meetings trump, but we will do it over the phone.”
One of the Central events of the American elections – Congress Democratic and Republican parties – also experienced the influence of coronavirus.
trump has decided to cancel scheduled for late August in Jacksonville (Florida) of the Republican Congress. The other day he said at a press conference in the White house that this is not the time for mass meetings – citing concern for the health of citizens. Party events will take place in the coming weeks in an online format, said the President of the United States.
Donald trump said that we should focus on combating coronavirus.
Previously, the Republican party Congress, where trump should officially declare a presidential candidate, was supposed to be held in North Carolina.
However, after the Governor of North Carolina refused warrantyAMB, that card will be able to hold a major event in the state due to the coronavirus, it was decided to move all public events in Jacksonville.
But after flash COVID-19 in the “sunshine state” again, I had to replay all the official part of the Congress with a limited number of participants is planned, as originally intended, North Carolina.
the Democrats, too, with the electoral Congress is not going smoothly. Their party event was to be held in July, but all from the same coronavirus had to move to the next month.
“In the current uncertain environment, we believe it is most reasonable to seek additional time and monitor the situation so we can safely and successfully carry out the Congress,” – said the head of the Committee on national conventions of the democratic party Joe Solmonese.
Democratic party Congress was held in Milwaukee (Wisconsin) on 17-20 August – and almost entirely in a virtual format, using live broadcasts and streaming technologies.
Delegates will be asked to refrain from personal presence at the event, and the nomination of Joe Biden as the party’s candidate will be held in online mode.
Associated with the coronavirus changes were made and the candidate debates. The first election debate between President Donald trump and former Vice-President Joe Biden, scheduled for September 29, solved amid concerns about pandemic coronavirus to be held in Cleveland.
Conducting a debate for decades a non-profit organization the Commission on presidential debates announced that the first such event will be held in late September at the campus health education, a joint project of Case Western University and the Cleveland clinic.
a University in Ohio stated that he will establish “procedures reduce the risk” for debate – in particular, limiting the number of participants and the provision of distancing.
the Second debate is scheduled for October 15, will now take place in Miami, not the University of Michigan, as previously assumed.
In any case – fans to watch the political struggles of the reasons for boredom during the American elections-2020 doesn’t seem to be. A little time to stock up on popcorn, sit back and watch someone who “zaboret”: trump Biden’s or Vice versa.