Because of sacrilege: Dispute at Holy Communion: Priest is said to have bitten his wife

A priest is said to have bitten a woman during an argument during Holy Communion. He insists on self-defense, she suspects other reasons.

A priest from Florida, USA, is said to have bitten a woman during an argument over Holy Communion. As “Click Orlando” reports, he could now face charges. This emerges from a police indictment.

Accordingly, the incident took place on May 19th at the Catholic Church of St. Thomas Aquinas in St. Cloud, Florida. A woman who wanted to attend her niece’s communion reported to the police that the priest officiating refused to give her the host. According to Click Orlando, she did not meet the necessary requirements to receive the holy sacraments, the priest argued. 

However, the woman claimed she had taken the necessary steps and was “now accepted by God”. According to WDBJ7, she told police, “I don’t know if it was my clothing or my sexuality.” A witness statement supports her belief that the priest was offended by her sexuality and demeanor.

According to Click Orlando, the priest then became angry and tried to force the host into her mouth. When the woman tried to grab another one, the priest bit her, police said.

The priest told investigators that he had previously informed the woman about the necessary requirements for receiving communion, but she refused to follow them. He claimed she pushed him and snatched the tray of hosts from his hands, which is considered sacrilege.

“The Catholic Church considers the host to be the body of Christ and he sought to protect it,” the indictment says. The incident is now being examined by the public prosecutor’s office, which will decide whether to charge the priest with bodily harm, according to Click Orlando.

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