The manufacturer Jütro has partially recalled its organic My Veggie salad mayonnaise. The company announced on Thursday evening that it cannot be ruled out that individual glasses might contain pieces of glass.

Only goods with the best before date (MHD) November 14th, 2022 in 250 ml jars are affected. The mayonnaise was offered nationwide mainly at Edeka and Marktkauf.

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Juetro GmbH

Consumption of the affected goods is strongly discouraged. The pieces of glass can cause serious injuries in the mouth and throat and, in the worst case, internal bleeding.

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In Stuttgart, the police discovered a dead woman in the Mercedes employee car park on Monday. Investigators assume a homicide. In the afternoon, the police find two more bodies in a house. It is unclear whether there is a connection.

A curious incident involving ships occurred on the Rhine near Koblenz. An 80-year-old skipper mistakenly drove a 180-meter-long pusher unit into a branch of the current off the fairway on Saturday night, as the water police announced on Sunday.

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