Jennifer Alvarez

Jennifer Alvarez
Jennifer Alvarez is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.
at the beginning of may, the Parliament meets for a maximum of five days. It is debated, however, is not in the Federal house, but on the grounds of the Bern Expo. "The Parliament has the right and...
Construction in occupied dwellings are only permitted in the event of an emergency. Therefore, there are a lot of companies, for private individuals, works, painters, and carpenters, for example, obliged to be silent. The Bouwunie is asking for...
Marianne Haeck (60) is located in Lokeren, the Reality of the quiz 1 free year has won the game. The annual salary of the highest earning applicant's good for a geldpot of 70,000 euros, and plant...
Countless Businesses and self-employed are fighting for their existence. The corona epidemic is crippling public life and creating holes in their Budgets. Also in the case of those who believed, with an insurance against loss of Income in...
Opinions about the virus triggered a fyreseddel to the tv host Trish Regan, who previously has made fun of Denmark. The american nyhedsvært on the Fox Business Trish Regan has been fired from the tv channel....
I lay one Morning in bed. No idea what day it was or what week. Everything is at the Moment, anyway the same. It was sometime between six and seven o'clock. No idea. Time? Everything is at the...
But for the former artists still nothing. "Everyone deserves to win this thing. I can't judge, and wish all of you good luck,“ he said to and showed what a Team Player he actually is. ...
With the green light from the authorities recommend AT that genbrugspladserne reopens. They have been closed by the corona. the Country's recycling centres could be re-opened for private if a number of conditions are met. ...
Against 23.40 heard the clink of the two 24 -, and 30-year-old Residents of the Waller heerstraße Disc. From their balconies you could see in a Kiosk in a smashed-in window. Shortly thereafter, you saw how a...
We sort of us (laughs). Currently, we report on the developments in the Sport due to Corona. After that, we will have to sort in fact. If the autumn also still sport remains free, is the little work....

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