As volunteers and entrepreneurs to help people move to self-isolation

As volunteers and entrepreneurs to help people move to self-isolation

Volunteer chats come alive with early morning: the coordinators of the lay out of the application, the volunteers immediately dismantled them. To read work correspondence is a pleasure: “Two applications – in Dnipropetrovsk and Crimea streets” – “Take both!” – “Ah! Did not have time! Friend share…” – Okay, buy one, get Tauride” – “Thank you! I’ll have to.”

Photo: Sergey Savostyanov As a United society in the regions to assist in a pandemic”you Guys are great!”

a large number of Applications. The number of volunteers is growing every day. Compulsory equipment – medical face mask, gloves, vest, badge with accreditation. The latter not only gives the right to move around the city, lost in isolation, but also allows you to save on purchases. Some stores announced a campaign: volunteers who purchase products for pensioners of a discount.

Businesses are becoming increasingly active in the campaign #Myvote. The Petersburg confectionery factory was allocated for pensioners marshmallows. A firm micromobile sharing shared with the volunteers of brand new Segways.

– Coronavirus has affected our business. After all, people on the streets now is very little, – explains CEO Eugene Mutovkin. – Last year our business has shown very good results, so this season we ordered a large shipment of advanced Segways. They came just before the beginning of the coronavirus… well, now I have two hundred scooters in circulation, and fifteen thousand stand for. So I did not wish to give their volunteers for a good cause. Of course, I do not like what is happening, and I want to help those who are downtrodden.

One of the additional tests for grandparents, closed in their apartments, was the lack of printed information. Therefore, in the last days by completing an application seniors, I except groceries and medicines, leave them copies of historically popular magazine “Rodina”. They are all individually wrapped, which is especially important now, when the purity within the house of objects is vital.

Photo: Sergei Nikolayev / WG Concerned citizens of St. Petersburg began to pay for the elderly buy food

this year, “homeland” has launched a special project “Documents the Victory.” Along with a fat magazine is published 24-page Supplement depicting the little known facts of the great Patriotic war through the lens of archival documents. Theme issue, which I pass like no other close to St. Petersburg-Leningrad – ration cards.

a Frail old woman in a green knitted jacket tearing the packaging of the magazine right at the doorstep without waiting for my departure, and stops.

Bread card… My blockade childhood, slowly she says. – Thank you for caring and for the memory.

Volunteer work is difficult, but perhaps even harder to project coordinators, who almost round the clock to process applications, talk on the phone with the elderly, doing reports and very worried about the result. Meanwhile, almost all of them – the students that in addition to this voluntary load remotely needs to learn.

Photo: Tatiana Pavlovskaya/WG Krasnodar volunteers helped the crisis center for women

In the early days of lectures listened to the background noise due to boiling of the computer, the nights were raking piles of applications for assistance, and their numbers have been growing – the storyyvaet Valentina Uzun, seticonsize medical University and coordinator of volunteers in the Vasileostrovsky district. Numbers, numbers, numbers, Numbers of houses, names of streets… And every room is not just a five-digit number, it is a cry for help. Behind it the face of some cute old ladies who can’t buy groceries. At the same time, our work is extremely inspiring. So many people willing to help, caring – it’s great! They are interested in the fate of the applicants will know that new news “that the grandmother”, persistently through to the elderly who are hard of hearing and slow moving, skirt ten pharmacies to find the right medication. People spend petrol, thin girl carrying the heavy bags on the fifth floor without Elevator.

the Volunteers do not regret their domestic resources and time for the sake of strangers, simply out of a desire to help. And don’t complain. Amazing!

Tape dobronravin: tulips for Breakfast

the head of the Chelyabinsk school of floristry “Flower palette” Anna orazbaeva contacted the volunteers to convey the elderly bunches of spring flowers. They are delivered together with the purchased applications food packages and special diet for diabetes. Being in a difficult situation because of declared in the region of the regime of complete isolation, the entrepreneur decided to help the countrymen to brighten up the life of absolutely for free. “We got a big batch of Dutch flowers, which he purchased for a seminar of professional florists, explains Anna. Plans went awry, the creative Studio had to close. And then I decided these flowers to give to a good cause”. Alone for two days Anna gathered a few dozen small flowers, found on the Internet “hot line” volunteers, performing the application of the elderly to the delivery of products, and offered to stop by for the first batch of “spring mood”.

Photo: RIA Novosti the Correspondent “RG” to find out why hospitals are infected COVID-19Улан-Ude: the minibus for the doctor

to Thank the doctors due to the spread of coronavirus infection there was a difficult time, I decided taxi driver from Ulan-Ude Basil Pussy. Now, if the passenger informs him that he is a doctor, money for travel he did not take. Explains that decided to do this because now doctors often have to drive home, and office machines may not always allocate. So he wants at least a little to help them. Especially because his route is one of the most “medical” in the city. “We pass the Republican clinical hospital of medical first aid and the fourth city hospital,” explains Pussy. In salon of the bus the man hung up the announcement and also put a post on his page on Instagram, which reported the fundraiser. Especially close-up showed the car number, so that passengers knew exactly where introduced free travel. “What about my other colleagues can’t say, but I’m sure many people will join this action,” – said Vasily. The driver says that to produce documents to confirm his words, the doctors do not have. All believe in the word. He is confident that his city live “honest people and wanting to ride for free, taking advantage of the situation, will not.” By the way, Basil in Ulan-Ude known as “the singing marshrutochniki”. On his page he sometimes puts the video with the execution of the different songs. So at the end of November, he amused fellow comic performance of the song “Winter,” which changed the words. The result is a story about a winter trip in the bus.

Photo: Tatiana Andreeva How to make devices for respiratory tropicover: feed the CROC

In Krasnodar, the capital’s traveling circus on the water via the social network asked residents to help purchase food for the animals. The pandemic coronavirus concerts had to be rescheduled for the may holidays. And until that time, the troupe stuck on the outskirts of town near a closed shopping center with no means of livelihood.

we Have cats, pigeons, a Python, a crocodile. The big fans to eat two sea lions one day eat a bucket of fresh fish, – told correspondent “RG” the Director of the aquashow Alexander Myasnikov. And I am very grateful to the people who responded to our trouble, the residents themselves on personal transport has brought to us the products that passed the funds to buy tickets to future concerts.

Prepared by: Michael Pincus, nepomnyashchaya, Dina, Anna Yurkova