In the group “Hair” – twenty-three students. Everyone will have to do for a while three competitive challenges: women’s salon cut and coloring and styling (2 hours 45 minutes), staining long women’s hair and styling (3 hours) and trendy men’s haircut photos (50 minutes). The mood of the guys, I felt: ready!

I already work part time in a Barber shop, all familiar, will cope – shared before the exam Alena Rusinova. Only, I don’t know how difficult will be men’s haircut and will it fit my client. The photo we show just for the exam.

by the Way, clients for the exam graduates looking for themselves. Someone invited friends, someone found through social networks. Only in the group a young man Yevgeny Ilyin came to support his friend Hope.

– I have sheared, so I relaxed. And for myself, too – smiling woman.

the exam has two judge panel: objective and subjective judges. The objective in the hall and watching every movement of future hairdressers. If something did not according to technology or has violated the safety, once – a fine, take off the points.

half an hour passed, Polet normal, as long as everything goes without violations – a satisfied judge Natalia Dudich.

by the Way, Natalia is not only assesses the quality of the work, but also looking after his future employee. She recently opened a new salon, very desired frames.

Hope Panina – subjective judge. She and her colleagues will enter the hall when the job has been completed.

– of Course, there are certain criteria that a quality haircut must conform to the Industry standard of beauty, – says the expert. But, by and large, here criterion one: client was satisfied or not. The work must be done so that the person paid for it and have not regretted.

Test for students will last three days. According to the chief expert Tatyana Ustyugova, College is not the first year conducting demonstration tests. This year due to the coronavirus has its own peculiarities: the guys and customers in masks.

Recall demo exams is an innovative system of evaluation of competencies of secondary vocational education. According to the Director of the regional Department of education and science Andrei Kocherov, the new system helps to assess practical skills. For the examination created by an accredited Union “Young professionals (WorldSkills Russia)” reception centers, work places with modern equipment supported by a grant of the national project “Education”. Graduates appreciate more than 200 independent experts, the role played by the teachers and masters of inservice training of other technical schools, colleges, universities, specialists of factories and enterprises that have undergone special training�� and having the status of an expert demo exam. The experience of the past years, many graduates after the exams immediately “dismantle” employers: professionals are needed everywhere.