For many of the Swiss belongs to the ZDF classic “The dream ship” for years, a permanent part of the Easter program. The MS Amadea stings three Times a year in the lake and brings the TV viewers to the most beautiful destinations of the earth. Since last Christmas, under the direction of Schlager-presenter Florian Silbereisen (38), who had taken over in the programme, the rowing and to see since then as a captain. But not only this renewal is at first glance absurd, as a glance at the Tweets of the Internet community.

In the Episode of Easter Sunday, the pulled in the quota duel against an old “Tatort”-a result of the Shorter headed for the cruise ship to Morocco. There were numerous scenes, which were many spectators strangely in the memory.

for Example, the flash engagement. The fitness coach, the ship encounters a beautiful Princess. A day later, they kiss three days later, he makes her a proposal. So quickly can this be love!

Before that, the Princess told that she was a virgin and this is also intended to remain until marriage. Shortly afterwards, the athletes went to the knee.

The Princess is also the loses during the follow-up to your cell phone. In spite of the lock screen and the Codes to the ship’s photographer, that is also on the blue blüterin finds the phone and returns it to her. The lock screen was still not activated, so he knew that it belonged to her. Stupid: Attentive TV viewers saw in the case, but clearly a black mobile phone screen.

Clouds does not know the MS Amadea

are destroyed simply by throwing the phone in liquid. Clearly, the older audience may know nothing of the Backups in the “Cloud”.

walk in the Palace

The fitness coach does not let it take a visit to the Royal Palace. Without much effort, he finds a tactic in the normally heavily guarded place to penetrate. Also, when the security forces discover, is half so wild.

Exciting is the visit to the Bazaar in Marrakech. Where others have made already the experience to be on every second Meter addressed, can the ship of dreams-cast in silence by strolling.

snowboarding in the desert

Adventurous, it is also in the desert of Morocco. There will be dangers on the dunes, Snowboard. The two boards takes captain silver iron your own motorcycle. As he stowed them, but of the imagination.

Florian silver iron, it seems to be in the desert cold become. In the episode he is shown there in a leather jacket and makes for puzzled looks.

Even new diseases are created for the dream ship: the Two guests do not feel the land well. The on-Board doctor, played by Nick Wilder, (67), diagnosed in a 24-hour flu. Ever heard of that? No, we are not.

in Spite of the many questions Fans of the “dream ship love”, the way it is. Beautiful, cheesy travel pictures this case is just against logic. (imh)