The authorities of the Brazilian state paraná in the South of the country became interested in the Russian vaccine against coronavirus. TASS reported on Sunday the Russian Ambassador in Brazil Sergei Akopov.

"on Friday, the Embassy, accompanied by the honorary Consul of Russia in the state of paraná visited by a representative of the regional government, head of civil office of the Governor Guto Silva. He outlined the interest in the Russian vaccine against coronavirus," the diplomat said. According to Akopov, the interlocutors were interested in the opportunity to not only purchase the drug, but also its joint development, testing and production throughout the state, taking into account scientific and production base of the region for further distribution in Brazil.

"It was a very positive contact. We in turn told them about the ongoing in Russia, work and extensive international cooperation", – said the diplomat.

On Wednesday, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin, speaking in the Duma with the report on the work of the government, said that the "four vaccines today, according to the CPS, proven to be safe, and two clinical trials are at the final stage". "It is the Center Gamalei and the Ministry of defense. Two [companies] are preparing for the beginning of the test, it "Vector" and the research Institute of vaccines and sera", – said Mishustin.

Since the beginning of the pandemic coronavirus in the world has infected more than 16 million people, more than 644 thousand died. Brazil ranks second in the list of countries with the number of infected people (2 394 513) and deaths (86 449) as a result of infection, second only to the United States.