Nurses and medical staff to oppose the currently have put in an enormous effort to get to patients who have been infected with the corona virus, to take care of. The Newspaper and I asked the occupational therapist His Exhibition for her job, it stands in a sheltered Orelia Keiheuvel in Balen. His works focus on the positive aspects of the coronamaatregelen create and do activities with the residents of the city. “We have a whole team to have a closer relationship, and the relationship with our children is stronger now.”

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see also:

the Nurse (Stephanie testifies about the work of corona-department of: “The patient care is not the same”

a Nurse testified: “The young patients will look good, but their image and so they are not”:

the Nurse will get a lot of grateful patients in the corona section: “Daarjuist have a pizza delivered, and we’ve been the roses”
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Have any questions about the corona virus?
A the answer to an important question can be found here.

What is the corona virus? What are the symptoms? How can infection be avoided? What if you get sick? What measures are there in Belgium? For more about the corona virus, Colruyt, Albert Heijn and provide the discounts

as of Thursday, has the Colruyt group again, discounts and promotions on certain products. That is, it is Wednesday… the Gent asks for investigation of emergency after the death of a 12-year-old little girl,

The lord mayor, Mathias De Clercq Open Vld) is asking the Committee for an investigation to start at the … virologist is in order, Marc Van Ranst warns hospitals that they have patients should not be allowed to walk home, let’s go

It is the doctors who decide if a patient with a Covid-19 at home. However, …

now, All of 221 of the violations are for failure to comply with the coronamaatregelen

In the police force Beringen/Ham/Tessenderlo group as of march 14, all of 221 of the solar corona, violations vastgeste… Disgusting joke it sends people to the emergency room with a forged letter, GZA Hospitals, that the hospitals of St. Augustine, St. Vincent de paul, and St. Joseph’s cathedral, th…