After July 1, I hope the fracture is not only calendar or epidemiological (nature is hard to motivate to change), but also in the relations of the society with the Supreme power. Not in terms of political realities and plans for the future or constitutional changes that have happened, that much is returned.

it’s No secret that many for various reasons do not quite agree with the fact that the last national plebiscite so needed. Someone he not at the heart of a pandemic, few were not satisfied with the contents and procedure for approval by design — even if some of the amendments are quite well-intentioned, from their point of view.

in Short, there is a quiet and passive dissent, not the imminent power instability, and even audible at the top of a murmur of indignation. As if stylistic differences, which once said Andrei Sinyavsky, serving his term in places not so remote.

And now you can ask (raise your hand like in class or during an online conference) not come there a time when you need to look for the little General, not what separates us from each other. Us is the leader of the country and people who are concerned about the fact that it is clearly not enough, in their opinion, in the sphere of interpersonal relationships, understanding upper and lower classes.

the nature of his interests and occupations are just some of the items are so much in demand dialogue with those in power.

apparently They are not the most popular people and not the ones that are to survive in a difficult time like today. But, in all conscience, without discussion of these topics to live sick. At least involved in the field of human rights and freedoms of the individual, seems to be not affected in the process of amending the Constitution.

First, the Amnesty, which many craved and still waiting. Realizing that the record low for Russia the number of inmates (less than half) is still large, and in the pandemic, their situation is more than alarming. But for the country in the year of her memory about the war for survival (three quarters of a century ago and today) is a moral imperative to show mercy to the fallen, whose guilt cannot be atoned for without the counter mitigate their plight. The rest are details, not the place to discuss them here, but to keep silent is impossible.

the Second amendment, but others in the laws and practices of street and media the active expression of disagreement of the minority with the majority. Last year, it became clear that the police in the literal and figurative meaning of measures of intimidation (point and does not eliminate the cause of the disagreement) have outlived their usefulness. It’s time to step back from confrontation with people of protest, even if they are negligible in numbers and the support of the population. The proposals formulated in the HRC long ago and are gathering dust in government offices. They can be seen in the court records for the status of participants of peaceful demonstrations, which tried in vain to blame the riots, as well as in protivovlastny ��publikatsiyakh that in fact to anything illegal do not call and do not store.

Third, quite so human rights, without which the tyranny in the law and on the land becomes a mess. We all can not do without public control the pain points where it is difficult to defend human dignity and the possibility of peaceful coexistence with the harsh conditions of detention. It’s a prison, mental hospital, social institutions for children-orphans and the disabled, the elderly and the terminally ill. The country needs not only in charitable and volunteer activities to help these people, but in constant look closely at the institutions from those who do nothing to gain except a sense of fulfilled civic duty. But this requires legislation, and favored protecting the most vulnerable in their dependence on the system and advocates for the position and vocation. Such proposals are also developed and waiting in the wings for many years. Among them are draft Federal laws on the system of probation for indictable, the service of protection of the rights of patients with mental disorders, public control over observance of the rights of children-orphans and several others. And there is a public dialogue and expert discussion.

Listing the areas in which the state and the citizens would unite efforts in the interests of hundreds of thousands of orphaned and poor, deprived of liberty or family support need to understand that it is needed not only to them but to the entire society. Without the care and protection of the weak we lose the most important thing — humanity relationships with the “others”, harden or fill with distrust, and even hostility to it. This is just from what was said above, if the government does not recognize the unparalleled inacademic, and citizens have no opportunity to help each other, focusing only on your blood, and even selfish. If the political will from above does not bring us together, but separates, Woe to anyone who thinks not only about herself and her family.

the Country urgently needs a permanent dialogue different in their own way and caring people and institutions. Without it not to live always, and now even more so. “God in your ears, dear Russians” — so could say those who are no longer with us. I want to believe that the upstairs to the euphoria of overcoming the crisis of 2020 and the success of their PR and propaganda. What you see the situation is not worse than we are in isolation of all kinds.

isn’t it time to quit and those who are considered leaders not only in dignity, and the need to heed calls to act?