a Good half of the citizens, or 45 percent over the past year, bought wine, and often people buy Russian production – 26 percent less likely to import 12 per cent. These are the results of the last July poll about the culture of drinking.

by the Way, domestic wine is preferred by middle-aged citizens from 45 to 59 years, and import young people from 18 to 24 years. Imported wine buy once a month, 50 percent went wine shopping. 45 percent stated that it did not buy foreign wine.

However, the quest for wine has become not only regular, but even common: 77 per cent opting for wine production in Russia, said that doing this once a month or less. In the list of weekly purchases of wine is 6 percent, 2 percentage get the wine two or three times a week, 4% once a week.

While 54 percent have declared that do not drink wine. Their share is highest among young people from 25 to 34 years (61%) and people older than 60 years (59 per cent). Among those who rarely, but drinking wine, 24 percent make a choice in favor of red, 11% choose white, 10 percent “omnivores” – they like red, white and rose wine.

In General, Russians prefer semi-sweet wines – 46 percent, 30 percent choose dry. In the first case, it is mostly women (52 percent) in the second – men (35 percent) and people aged 45 years. One in ten (13 per cent) like different wines (sweet, dry, dessert, fortified). Preference for quiet wines give 42 per cent of respondents.

the result of the survey, 66 percent agreed with the statement – “Russia is a country with a winemaking history and traditions.” However, a third of respondents, or 33 percent, disagree with this thesis. They believe that the Russian culture of drinking is fixed on the vodka.