It is a number that is in this Corona-crisis anywhere else in the world: In only one day, died in Italy, 919 people of the treacherous Virus. Thus, the country has a Negative impact on his so far worst record of 21. March broken, with 793 deaths.

Corona-hell Italy!

in Total, have died there, according to the Johns Hopkins University so far, 9134 people (as of Saturday morning) – as much as in any other country. Spain has so far 5138 Dead. Only China, where the pandemic began, with (officially) 3177 Corona-dead.

Italy meanwhile, the soldiers, the coffins of the dead to the cemeteries.

soldiers coffins with the dead from the Region of Bergamo to the cemetery Cinisell Balsamo (near Milan), brought photo: Claudio Furlan / AP Photo / dpa The coffins in the cemetery chapel photo: AP

laid out Although Italy is now in the third week of strict curfews and public life is practically at a standstill, is increased, the number of Infected to 86 498. The “Lockdown” is to first, 3 to the. April also so on are there, all the companies and factories that are essential for the daily life, should remain closed.

A medical staff in protective clothing that makes house calls, in Bergamo in Northern Italy, on an empty street photo: Claudio Furlan / dpa

to observe An increase in the number of infections is in Lombardy in Northern Italy, with 37 298 infections.

Great concern that more and more medical staff in Italy is infected with the Corona Virus and dies. On Friday, there were 51 Doctors, the lung disease Covid-19 died.