now that The VDAB has more than 1,200 job openings (e.g., the entry #COVID19. That said, the cabinet of the Flemish minister of Work, and Hilde Crevits (CD&V). Been around for 4,700 candidates in their interest to let it show. Especially in the food and agricultural sector, are now looking for additional workers.

The coronacrisis it makes a lot of Flemish people are technically unemployed, but at the same time, a lot of employers will be looking for additional staff resources. This is mainly in the fields of agriculture, horticulture, and food for the event. In agriculture, they are, for example, for the harvest, but seasonal workers can’t go to Belgium, travel, and other employees do not stand out due to illness. The demand for nurses is on the increase.

now, The VDAB, introduced at the request of the Flemish minister of Work, Hilde Crevits, a call to employers in key sectors who are looking for extra pairs of hands to get to their jobs in the Flemish arbeidsbemiddelingsdienst to sign up with the code #COVID19. And the call turns out to be successful: on the 22nd of march, just three days after the phone call, there were about 25 jobs, now there are more than 1,200. Around for 4,700 job seekers showed interest in the work, report to the cabinet, Crevits.

Crevits, reacts pleased. “This goes to show that the employer respond to the phone call that the job seekers really what you want is to get the hands out of the sleeves,” she says. Also, the temp agency industries tries, moreover, to the lack of staff in critical sectors, and to solve the problem. “It’s a good thing, the VDAB, and the temp agency industries to work together to get that urgent job vacancies to make known”, says Crevits. “So all of the energy used to get the job quickly in order to be able to fill.”

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