The death of Rachel, a twelve-year-old girl from Gent, does, experts and doctors are amazed. “Is that a child has died from the effects of Covid-19, is extremely exceptional, it sounds unanimous. However, it is to be done. Closer to home, in our own country. And that causes many parents to worry. Are children to be at risk? What is the probability that they are of the feline corona virus transfer? And what do you do when a child has symptoms?

as A child of the twelve died as a result of the Covid-19. The girl from gent (Ghent) is the most recent victim of the, in total, 828 people have died in this country. The panel of experts that on a daily basis to talk to the press, was the news on Tuesday with a huge sense of defeat. “It’s a very rare case and we are surprised by it,” a voice said with some emotion.

SEE ALSO. How is it that a 12-year-old dies at corona: “it is Not excluded that children, too, and sometimes the virus doesn’t cope with” (+)

they are Rare or not, it makes the parents nervous. “That’s understandable,” said virologist is in order, Marc Van Ranst on Tuesday in the Relevant . “Any child that dies is one too many. You can, however, say that it is rare, but it happens.” Surprisingly, he’s not. “You have to have each and every year is the same story with influenza virus affects all ages and abilities.”

Include children, then, suddenly, the group of high-risk patients?

“No, not at all. The scientists currently that the children are the same as the adults, are infected get the virus, but in most of them, and that, therefore, there is no or only very mild symptoms,” says kinderinfectioloog, Petra Schelstraete (UZ Gent). “It’s very rare that a death occurs, throughout the world, in order to have less than 10 children with this disease died from it.”

But the fear is there. “It will be, but once upon a time…”, parents Can take preventative steps to go, each and every day, with the temperature of their child is to measure it, for example?

Schelstraete: “That we recommend it doesn’t. The most important thing is to get the terms and the measures that the government have made a good follow-up. Wash your hands, good hoesthygiëne, and “social distancing”, in other words. And the children of the grandparents, or other at-risk groups to. If there are symptoms, the temperature, of course, can be measured.”

what symptoms should parents be worried?

Schelstraete: “if there is a Covid infection, children may be feverish, it may be they have a cough or a sore throat to have it. Sometimes it is accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea. The symptoms are also found in other diseases occur. The most important thing is to be aware of the behavior of the child. If it is in any other way, and worse, behave normally, in the case of illness, suffer is over, otherwise, just react, out of breath, it is not a single diet may have to vomit every time … these are called signals, in order to ascertain whether there is more going on in these cases, you should be sure, a doctor should be consulted. These rules apply also in non-coronatijden.”

When parents need to contact the doctor?

Schelstraete: “If your child is sick and you, as a parent, are not comfortable, then the rule is: get in touch with your family doctor or pediatrician. That will be on the phone to assess if the child in for a consultation, or a referral to the emergency room is necessary. Whom no arts can be, it is, however, a serious concern for the well-being of the child because of the alarmsymtomen to be defective, will be at the pitch as well.”

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Can you get your child an analgesic to give?

Schelstraete: “Parents should not be afraid to take a painkiller to give up, especially if the child is in discomfort due to fever. In preference to paracetamol. It is also important to have for example, children with asthma still have some of the medication that they so desperately need. That is, chronic care in the state, it is very important to them. It does not make any sense to have consultations to say, or that would otherwise be required in the case of chronic diseases. Don’t be afraid to go to the hospital if that is necessary: there are separate processes for the different groups of patients, and there are also hygienic measures must be applied, so that there is no transmission of infection could occur .”

the kids are still in full play even if she is ” a little bit, feel sick?

Schelstraete: “If the child is happy, you can certainly play it. That’s a big difference between adults and children is not doing an intensive workout, and it will also be less likely to repeat the process, it usually feels good to the limits of. Of course it is true for everyone, even for children, who get sick, it stays in.”

to Get to the doctors and hospitals have a lot of questions from concerned parents?

Schelstraete: “Yes, Absolutely. A lot of parents are concerned and have questions to ask, especially if they have a child with a chronic medical condition, such as asthma. That is, from the beginning of the coronacrisis so be it. Again, we emphasize that the Covid-19 is unlikely to cause serious ailments leads to a child, even among children with chronic health conditions, and that it is very important that the chronic treatment continue to be taken.”

SEE ALSO. The family of the deceased, Rachel (12) And: “Children are not a priority of the cases, ” said the doctor. She died in our living room,” ( + )
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