After allegations: ARD shows previously censored film scenes with Elyas M’Barek on breakfast television

ARD’s handling of “Liebesdings”, the new film by Elyas M’Barek, recently caused a stir and a lot of criticism – some spicy elements are said to have been censored in “Do you understand fun?” Now the cinema comedy has been presented again in the first, this time on breakfast television with “Live nach Neun” – with or without a clitoris?

“Today the film ‘Liebesdings’ starts in the cinemas, and the ingredients are very promising,” said “Live nach Neun” presenter Isabel Varell at the beginning of the small thematic block and listed: “Elyas M’Barek, Alexandra Maria Lara, Conflicts, love, socially relevant aspects, the different shapes of testicles – and what does a clitoris actually look like?”

In the following clip, various trailer scenes from the film were shown in “Live nach Neun” – including some whose absence in “Do you understand fun?” was criticized by various media, including “Bild”: You see Elyas M’Barek with an oversized clitoris cap in a bar. A trailer excerpt in which Lucie Heinze as theater manager Frieda speaks of the “clitoris”, the “orgasm” and “the most diverse forms of testicles” is also in the “Live landed after nine” clip.

The more piquant trailer moments from “Liebesdings” were not seen in the “Do you understand fun?” issue of June 25, and the sofa conversation between moderator Barbara Schöneberger and Elyas M’Barek is said to have been cut. Allegedly, as reported by “Bild”, parts of the Saturday evening show in which the actor used the term “clitoris” were removed. Subsequent media reports occasionally spoke of censorship.

An SWR spokesman told “Bild” after the allegations of censorship that shortening the “Love thing” trailer in “Do you understand fun?” was a “dramaturgical decision”. “Content taboos played no role, even in the editorial shortening of the talk.”

After the “Do you understand fun?” controversy, “Liebesdings” actor Elyas M’Barek also told “Bild”: “In my opinion, this is no longer a discussion for the year 2022. We should talk a lot more about it and a lot deal more relaxed with female sexuality and also with sexuality in general. This topic, like all others, is part of life.”

In the comedy “Liebesdings” by director and screenwriter Anika Decker, Elyas M’Barek plays a film star who is followed at every turn by the gossip press. Fleeing the flashbulbs, he ends up in a feminist theater that is about to close.

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*The contribution “ARD shows previously censored film scenes with Elyas M’Barek on breakfast television” is published by Teleschau. Contact the person responsible here.