
In 2014, Texas officials allowed alternative teaching certification programs to address staffing shortages in public schools. This decision led to an increase in the number of teachers without any certification at all. Concerns have arisen regarding the impact of uncertified teachers on student achievement in Texas, prompting research from Texas Tech University.

Jacob Kirksey, associate Director of the Center for Innovative Research in Change, Leadership, and Education at Texas Tech University, discussed the findings of the report with Texas Standard. He explained that uncertified, inexperienced teachers refer to individuals who have no formal training or experience in the classroom before becoming full-time teachers.

The study aimed to determine if there was a correlation between the lack of teacher certification and declines in student achievement. The results showed that students taught by uncertified teachers experienced a decline in math and reading achievement by approximately 3 to 4 months.

The impact on student achievement was most noticeable in grades 4-8, which are the STAAR-tested grades in Texas. Despite criticisms of standardized testing as the sole measure of teacher effectiveness, the study found that uncertified teachers were present across all grade levels, including early childhood grades.

One concerning finding was that students with uncertified teachers were less likely to be diagnosed with dyslexia, highlighting the importance of trained educators in identifying learning needs and providing support. However, the study also noted that uncertified teachers with prior experience did not show the same negative impact on student learning as those without any background in education.

School districts facing teacher shortages often rely on former paraprofessionals who are working towards certification but have not completed the process. These individuals were found to be as effective as new certified teachers in the classroom, indicating that prior experience can mitigate the negative effects of lacking formal certification.

The research underscores the importance of teacher training and experience in promoting student achievement. While standardized tests provide one measure of performance, the broader impact of educators on students’ development should also be considered. Donations to support such valuable research can be made to ensure the continuation of insightful studies in education.