The Governor of Khabarovsk territory Sergey Furgal has declared to members of the Public monitoring Commission who visited him in the detention center, he did not admit guilt, according to RT.
"of Course, guilt does not recognize, what can I say? If you say that I am outraged and shocked (what is happening), this is not to say anything," he said.
According to a special correspondent for RT and a member of the PMC of Moscow Boris Wedge, who visited Furgala in the IVS at Petrovka, the Governor, "lamented the fact that he was not able to appoint the acting, and fears that because of this region can occur with a complete blockage".
"Furgal assured the members of the PMC that the pressure on him do not have a" — adds RT.
As reported by RIA Novosti Executive Secretary of the PMC Alexey Melnikov, Furgala contain in IVS-1 at Petrovka, 38, in a double cell, the neighbor from him yet.
the Case Furgala
Sergey Furgala was detained on Thursday, employees SK and FSB. It has been implicated in a local criminal group and the organizer of the murders in 2000-ies. Immediately after the detention of the head of the region was sent to Moscow, where they will decide about the arrest.
The RIA Novosti source familiar with the investigation said that the evidence about the possible involvement Furgala to the murder of businessman Yevgeny Zori gave the detainees on suspicion in this crime. Among the suspects in the murder of dawns in 2004 and Oleg Bulatov in 2005 — the former Deputy of the Khabarovsk regional Duma Nikolay Mistryukov, co-founder of "Toreks", where the share belongs to the wife Furgala Larissa Starodubtseva.
Simultaneously with Forgalom detained deputies of the Duma of Khabarovsk Sergey Kuznetsov and Dmitry Kozlov, formerly a factory manual, "Amurstal" belonging "Toreks-Khabarovsk". Source RIA Novosti reported that Furgala was suspected in the Governor’s decision in favor of the affiliates, and it influenced the appearance of a criminal case.
Furgala faces a life sentence if the sentence before the expiration of the Statute of limitations this year for murder is 15 years.
Furgal is the liberal democratic party and led the region in 2018. For him, publicly rebuked the party leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky threatened by the departure of all factions of the state Duma in protest. The speaker Vyacheslav Volodin urged not to politicize the arrest and said that the police acted according to the law.