In a special issue of “Science and technology” on pages “the Russian newspaper”, he continued the previously started dialogue about the fate of the Russian scientific fleet, and drew attention to the urgent problems in the organization of Maritime expeditions.
“No, applied Ocean Sciences, and is properly put before the fundamental science, applied problems,” – says the scientist.
And one of these is the study of biological productivity of the ocean. We need to know where and how much you can take without destroying marine ecosystems.
“Not today or tomorrow the Earth will have 8 billion people, – said the academician flint. But now, according to the FAO, Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations, nearly one billion adults and children are starving frankly. Nearly two billion do not get the physiological norms of food. Mortality from starvation – more than 30 million every year.”
the Lack of food creates huge waves of migration. Prior to the current events with the coronavirus in the migration status in the world there were more than 280 million people. And how to deal with these unmanaged threads, nobody knows. There is no recipe, neither in Europe nor in America.
“meanwhile, resources to solve the food problem on the planet is, and most of them in the Ocean,” says the author of “the Russian newspaper”. In the coastal 200-mile zones, they are close to exhaustion, increase production almost impossible. Therefore, fishers with the participation of science are forced to go deeper into the Ocean, including the Antarctic for krill. This small-sized crustacean – the key of the entire Antarctic ecosystem and at the same time the most valuable target species, source of animal proteins of marine origin and valuable raw materials for food processing, aquaculture, biotechnology, and pharmacology.
“krill is just a huge resource”: according to various estimates, from 500 million to one billion tons. Someone calls even billion two hundred” – referred to the latest data Michael flint. According to him, the main value of this resource is that “it leaves the basis of the best feed for aquaculture.” But the aquaculture is not just a fashionable word, her world volumes grow at an unprecedented rate – 12 percent per year, and is already comparable to the amount of traditional catch of marine biological resources.
“But if Russia is a quarter of a century has not conducted the required studies in the South Atlantic and off the coast of Antarctica, about a krill fishery can talk?! – asks a reasonable question scientist. – Who are the regulators will agree?”
the Answer to these and other questions in the publication “Monologue oceanographer in seven parts” today in a special issue of “Science and technology” (“Russian newspaper”, 26.06.2020).