
Abilene Christian University in Texas has received approval from federal regulators to construct a small nuclear reactor on their campus. This groundbreaking project will utilize molten salt for cooling, marking the first time such a design has been approved in over four decades.

The reactor, which will produce one megawatt of thermal energy, is relatively small in size, with the core being about the size of a refrigerator. This innovative design falls under the category of “small modular reactors,” which can be manufactured in a controlled environment and then transported for deployment.

Rusty Towell, a professor of engineering and physics at Abilene Christian University and the director of the Nuclear Energy Experimental Testing lab, shared insights about the project in an interview with Texas Standard. The reactor’s use of molten salt as a coolant sets it apart from traditional reactors that rely on water for cooling. This feature enhances safety by preventing high-pressure situations that could lead to accidents like those seen at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl.

Additionally, the reactor’s liquid fuel system allows for a more controlled shutdown process. By dissolving the fuel in the salt, operators can drain the fuel from the core if needed, relying on gravity to assist in shutting down the reactor safely.

One of the key advantages of small modular reactors like the one being developed at Abilene Christian University is the potential for rapid deployment. Traditional nuclear power plants have faced challenges in terms of construction timelines and budgets, making it difficult to scale up nuclear energy production efficiently. With a focus on safe, clean, and affordable energy solutions, small modular reactors present a promising alternative for meeting energy needs while minimizing environmental impact.

While nuclear power currently accounts for about 10% of Texas’ energy mix, there is potential for increased adoption of small modular reactors to diversify the state’s energy sources. By streamlining the construction and deployment process, these reactors could play a significant role in enhancing energy security and sustainability.

The approval process for the project was rigorous, involving years of engagement with regulatory authorities. Abilene Christian University worked closely with local communities to address any concerns and provide transparent communication about the project. Through town halls, information sessions, and facility tours, the university has fostered support for the initiative, highlighting the benefits of nuclear energy in terms of clean electricity production, medical isotope generation, and water purification.

One of the longstanding challenges associated with nuclear energy has been the management of nuclear waste. However, the liquid fuel system utilized in the new reactor design at Abilene Christian University offers a more efficient solution for waste reduction. By burning 100% of the fuel and minimizing unused components, the amount of waste generated is significantly reduced, along with the storage requirements for safe disposal.

Looking ahead, the timeline for the project involves obtaining an operating license from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, in addition to completing the construction phase. It is estimated that the process of obtaining the operating license and finalizing construction will take a couple of years, bringing the realization of the reactor on campus closer to fruition.

As Abilene Christian University pioneers the development of a small nuclear reactor with innovative features and safety mechanisms, the project represents a significant step forward in the field of nuclear energy research. By addressing key challenges and embracing new technologies, the university is poised to contribute to the advancement of clean and sustainable energy solutions for the future.