Genetics Stanford University found compelling evidence for the hypothesis according to which ancient indigenous Americans could travel to the Islands of Polynesia. About the same time, many scientists suspected before because of the similarities of two civilizations, however, this version was disputed by researchers, who believed that the peoples were divided insurmountable barrier in the form of thousands of kilometers of the Pacific ocean, reported in the journal Nature.

Scientists have obtained genetic data 807 residents of Colombia and French Polynesia to find signs of common descent. The sample covers 17 Islands, and 15 native American groups living along the Pacific coast of North and South America, from Mexico to Chile. The results of the analysis showed that the DNA of the inhabitants of the several Islands are fragments, identical to the Indian. The reason for the appearance of common fragments is the blending of two cultures.

The meeting of the two peoples happened, according to estimates, around 1200 BC, roughly at the time of settlement of the Polynesian Islands. Researchers believe that the Polynesians could land on the territory of modern Colombia, however, it is also possible that one or two ships with the Indians could accidentally bump into the island.

One of the former arguments in favor of the relationship of native Americans and the Polynesians were considered sweet potato, which was originally domesticated in South and Central America. However, he also grew up on the Islands of Oceania. In addition, the Polynesians and the Americans called this plant words that have similar roots.