Finally the Russian theatres waited for the document of Rospotrebnadzor, which he made together with the Ministry of culture. He reglamentary the operation of theatres for the reception of spectators and performances. Dated July 21, to theaters, he however came a few days later – exactly at the weekend. Apparently to the leaders of the temples of art, it was time to compose myself after reading the long-awaited document.
on the one hand, like anything new it is common to all masks – without them the audience would not allow in the theatre or concert. But in addition , the theaters now have to ensure that the public had the opportunity to buy them on the spot. With contactless payment of tickets all too clear, and no one will argue: the threat of coronavirus in four and a half months weaned us from nalik. Even Opera glasses will now be processed after each visitor, and to him, that is, an optical device, with the results sure to be put disinfectant cloth.
the Audience is clearly upset, what about the buffet at intermission will have to forget the sale of food forbidden: you can only purchase water and beverages in industrial packaging. Oh and how upset the theatres themselves, for which buffet and tradition, and income. In General, a glass of champagne before the show or during intermission – no, no!
And all this can be overcome, going to a play/Opera/ ballet – in the end, our own safety first. But how to be himself the spiritual “product” for which people go to the theatre? And here is the question: the recommendations of the CPS jeopardize the quality of performance and even the possibility of performance.
Judge for yourself: the Director of the Bolshoi, the artistic Director of “Helikon-Opera” or “the New Opera” I read an important paper and my eyes could not believe – “excluded productions with a mass and the choral scene”. I’m sorry, because Opera kept the choir, the whole global musical culture is based on them – Tchaikovsky, Verdi, Mussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Shostakovich, Puccini and others…as it turns out, the Opera “Nabucco” without “Chorus of the prisoners of the Jews” will be? Thank you – do not, put the money!
Or how will sound the orchestra in the proposed Seating arrangements at the rehearsal or during the show? And recommended the following: at the rehearsals the distance between the groups of string players – at least 1.5 meters, between the drummers, the keyboardists and harpists. But between the wind groups should be not less than two. Besides, they will install protective screens, “projecting above the sockets of the respective instruments.” The conductor moved away from musicians at two meters (during a rehearsal), and half during the performance. Directly during the performance must be maintained like the traditional Seating arrangements of the musicians, but with ekwounds from the wind, which will undoubtedly affect the sound quality of the orchestra and not for the better.
it is Clear that the victims No. 1 under the new arrangement will be musical theatre. Call the artistic Director of “Helikon-Opera” Dmitry Bertman.
-what we do, we’ve devoted my life to. Singers, musicians not in the hands of other work, a pandemic that struck the entire world, undermining the usual rules. However, these recommendations – as a shot in the head.
-In the new reality, it is already clear, without a recommendation we continue to live and work. But what are the most dangerous, or even wrong from your point of view?
-Everything that deals with the protection of the public and its safety, it’s all right. And we must and will implement all that requires theaters with the CPS. As regards the preparation and conduct of the performances, especially in musical theater, it’s very complicated and not so clear. First, our rehearsal rooms do not have the space to put musicians at a distance from each other and a half to two meters. And second, the most important: as a Director, I can make an adaptation of the play, but to eliminate the choir means to liquidate the entire repertoire of the Opera house. Opera is choruses. For example, it is impossible to play “Eugene Onegin” without such a big crowd scenes as “the Larins ‘Ball” and “Ball in St. Petersburg.”
But what to do once such a situation coronaviruses? It is necessary to make some sacrifices or is it quite impossible? Reality dictates trade-offs.
– At the expense of quality, of course, possible to reduce the number of musicians in the orchestra pit or the number of the chorus on stage, but to exclude mass scenes impossible. For drama theatres such scenes are rare, but for musical – norm: in the Opera – chorus, in the ballet – a chorus line.
– As the distance between musicians affects the sound of the orchestra?
– Clearly related: if the distance in half to two meters will not mix the sound, and the musicians must hear each other, only then there is the correct sound of the score. It is the specificity of musical theater and it can not be ignored.
If there was a recommendation, then wait for the requirements, developed based on them. And then wait for the inspectors to fulfil these requirements. Now, if you can’t meet the requirements, what then?
-it is important to understand that if the theatre works, so it needs to make money. If you are not able to work,… we Only hope that Moscow will support him, as supporting the entire quarantine period. I want to say that the Board of chubrukov theatres in Moscow together with the Moscow Department of culture nearly a month of work on working conditions in this difficult period. There are options, but there is no word “delete”. And our complete offerI was sent to Moscow Rotorblades. And we are sure that Moscow will not formally apply to these proposals.Moscow first announced the opening of theatres on 1 August.
But the opinion of Dmitry Sibirtsev, Director of the theater “New Opera”
– As a musician, I can say that among the recommendations there are things quite real enough. For example, you can’t have people not contacted in some scenes of the play. It will then be easier to switch over entirely to concert performance and not to suffer. Don’t understand what makes us different from the same players. Yes, they have different doors, and then an hour and a half grabbing each other.It is clear that the new rules caused some protest from the musicians. But artists in this situation – the most disciplined people. And whether the audience to follow the recommendations? I’m not sure. In any case, we win time for which, I hope, there will be a vaccine virus.”
And meanwhile, as creative Director and Director of the Moscow theaters scratching their heads how to be, Valery Gergiev before the announcement of any recommendations opened the season and quietly on half of the hall played their performances on the scene. A few days ago his and is going to Italy on tour.