A fan is a racist tore off a video conference of the hockey club

K Andre Miller K Andre Miller
Photo: Mike Ashmore / youtube.com

Videoconference with the dark-skinned newcomer club of NHL “new York Rangers” K Andre Miller was thwarted because of racism on the part of the unknown fan.

“We conducted an online video chat with fans and new to the Rangers, during which an unidentified person hacked into it to post racist insults. We were forced to disable video chat. We are incredibly shocked by this behavior, which has no place neither in the Internet nor on the ice or anywhere else. We will investigate,” – said in a statement, “the Rangers”.

A statement from #NYR: pic.twitter.com/Jo1RNmUdrr

— New York Rangers (@NYRangers) April 3, 2020

Soon defender club of the Jacob Pipe was supported by the dark-skinned newcomer club.

“It is simply inexcusable. Such a cowardly act. Racism has no place in the hockey community. K Andre Miller, we are very happy to see you in Rangers. Looking forward to when I get a chance to play with you,” wrote Pipe on Twitter.

What happened today was inexcusable and cowardly. Racism has no place in the hockey community or the world. @kandre_miller we are excited to have you as a part of the @NYRangers and I look forward to having you as a teammate.

— Jacob Trouba (@JacobTrouba) April 4, 2020

K Andre Miller – 20-year-old American, selected under the 22-th number in the draft 2018. In the current season played for the team of the University of Wisconsin in 36 games and has scored seven goals and gave 11 assists.

Now regular season NHL suspended due to Corotnovirus. “New York Rangers” at the moment, is in tenth place in the Eastern conference and still have a chance to participate in draw of the Cup Stanley.