Virologists believe that Russia can avoid a pronounced peak incidence COVID-19. Thanks to the limitations of the spread of coronavirus was able to slow down, experts said RBC.

According to an infectious disease doctor Valeria beznosenko, for the last five days the growth of the number infected directly related to the increasing number of tests for coronavirus. This correlation is confirmed by the fact that the number of hospitalizations remained at the same level. Last but not least, the new identified cases are mostly asymptomatic and mild forms of the disease.

in addition, if we look at the statistics of the leading hospitals treating patients with COVID-19, we can see that patients in the hospital for the last two or three weeks became less.

“Quite possible scenario without an explosive peak”, – quotes the edition of the scientist.

In turn, leading researcher of the Institute of clinical experimental medicine, virologist Alexander Chepurnov suggested that the situation of coronavirus has succeeded in a plan to stabilize. My role in this was played by the responsible attitude of Russians to comply with self-isolation in the first week after its announcement. Through that week of isolation, the epidemic has been slow at the initial stage.

the Influence of restrictive measures on how the country will enter the peak and plateau, a virologist found it difficult. However, this question is to focus on another factor, he said.

“I Think that is the main point when the amount recovered begins to exceed the number of cases. I would like this moment to wait on predmetem and summer stage,” Chepurnov said.

He expressed the hope that by the end of may and beginning of June each day of recovery will exceed the number infected.

formerly a leading researcher nits of epidemiology and Microbiology named after honoured academician N. F. Gamalei, Ministry of health Professor Nikolai Malyshev suggested that the peak of the epidemic COVID-19 in Russia has not yet come and may never come. However, by the end of may – early June likely to be achieved the top of the hill and morbidity.

see also: Academician told about the unusual scenario of the epidemic of coronavirus in Russia