a Russian entrepreneur, programmer, one of the founders of Vkontakte and Telegram Pavel Durov believes that Silicon valley in the United States is not the best place for living and doing business. So he responded to the film blogger Yuri Dude on entrepreneurs and programmers who have moved to work in San Francisco.
According to Durov, the United States is a police state, where expensive and inefficient health care system. Prisoners there 10 times more than in Germany or Holland.
“If you think that you will not touch it, I wouldn’t be so sure: at least one of the entrepreneurs that advertise the Valley in the film, suffered from the American authorities and organized surveillance,” — explained Durov.
He added that in the US, high taxes, and in San Francisco — the limited cultural life. Moreover, he criticized American higher education.
“the Quality of secondary education is lower than in other developed countries,” he said, stressing that at the world Championships on programming USA occupies the first place, much less than China or Russia.
In conclusion, the entrepreneur said that the American market in the XXI century is too weak Outlook and “move in the US today is akin to buying an asset at peak value.”