the Russian President signed a new decree on payments in case of death or personal injury of health care workers in result of infection with a coronavirus. The amount of compensation will vary from 68.8 thousand in the disease to 2.75 million roubles in case of death. However, to be challenging.

the Russian doctors have ceased to be afraid to write in social networks that send them into the breach without PPE or give them used last change costumes. In such circumstances agree to work not all, but those who are still remains constantly the risk of complications to health or die.

Now came the decree on compensation for victims of doctors. However, as noted by the head of the Union of health workers “Action” Andrey Konoval, in practice they can not get all of the infected victims: “the Concern is the wording of the Decree “directly working with patients…”. Thus, if, say, the health care provider did not treat “coronavirus” patients in “Avignon” division, but got it from colleagues (for example, due to the negligence of the authorities, will not provide the team with means of individual protection), the insurance payment he can not count. In the same way as in the case if he had contracted from a patient whom he never worked, but came in contact with, for example, in the corridors of the clinic or the emergency room”.

in addition, experts emphasize that the decree excludes from insurance almost all support staff except the driver of “ambulance”. At the same time, in recent time, the country had become a widespread practice of registration of nurses “employed”, leaving them to practice the functions of nurse’s aides and assistant nurses. Yes, and drivers of ambulances transferred the outsourcing company to the status of “individual entrepreneur” for the sake of saving on taxes, too, compensation under this Ordinance has passed.

at issue is another point: if the new document to apply to those who became ill and died before its adoption? Or, for example, there is no clarity in relation to medical professionals who worked with covenyi patients died, but the diagnosis they have not been installed. “In the last days we are constantly receiving reports of deaths of doctors for pneumonia without a diagnosis COVID,” said the farrier.

the decree suggests that insurance claims will be set “at the end of the investigation in accordance with the RF Government decree No. 967”. And this decision, in turn, States that the employer, in some cases, has administrative responsibility for contamination of employees (officials face a fine from one to five thousand rubles legal – from 30 to 50 thousand rubles).

you do Not need to be Vanga to understand that the administration of medical institutions will do everything possible to infected employees was not presented as a contamination in the workplace, because of lack of PPE, and, for example, in public transport. Or, for example, that the worker himself is to blame (then the payout may be greatly reduced).

see also: Student revolt and the Hippocratic oath: the young doctors “refused coronavirus”