Which of these statements is true? On this and other issues, “RG” said the head of the Federal centre for the prevention and control of tobacco consumption SMRC therapy and preventive medicine of the Minzdrav of Russia, candidate of medical science marine Gambaryan.
marine Genievna, so who is right?
marine Gambaryan: has Long been proven that smokers are at increased risk of respiratory diseases. In the March issue of the journal Tobacco Induced Diseases (“Diseases caused by tobacco”) published a systematic review “COVID-19 and Smoking”. It analyzed five studies on patients infected with COVID-19. Noted that the proportion of current and ex-smokers was highest among those patients who required resuscitation, mechanical ventilation, and among those who died.
Chinese scientists who have studied 78 patients with COVID-19, showed that the risk of pneumonia in smokers 14 per cent higher compared with non-smokers. Scientists are unanimous: in the General concern about the pandemic, the best thing to stop Smoking: in addition to the health benefits and their loved ones, it will help to reduce the rampant SARS-CoV-2 in the world.
You are advised to stop Smoking right now, when we are in isolation, many are pretty easy. Will not worsen whether this psychological state of those who smoke?
marine Gambaryan: I Agree that the period of isolation – an unprecedented challenge for everyone, not just smokers. All the media and social networks are full of tips on how to survive this period and not to lose heart. For month, many have already adapted to the new condition, and it for smokers and for all, something quite different than usual.
the Habitual way of life of smokers involves specific actions related to tobacco. For example, when trouble at work, the first thing a smoker – rushes outside to smoke. Many smokers are accustomed to joint breaks (smoke breaks) with colleagues, the cigarette after dinner, used to smoke behind the wheel of a car and smoke, barely sitting in it, etc. Now this way of life has changed dramatically, it is not the usual action and movement and the so-called triggers – that is, precipitating factors. However, perhaps there were other, we must try not to tie them to smoke, not to solve their difficulties using cigarettes, the more that it is useless.
in addition, often the smoker lives with family and friends, which should not be exposed to tobacco smoke. The entrances are now non-Smoking, and even smoke by the window or on the balcony, the smoke still enters the room. This means that close to a smoker are exposed to secondary and tertiary Smoking.
About passive Smoking we have all heard of, and that’s what ��and types of Smoking?
marine Gambaryan: Harm of secondary Smoking – that is, of secondhand smoke those who are near a smoker – has long been proven. The representatives of the tobacco industry back in the early 80-ies of the last century found that second-hand smoke, side stream 2-4 times more toxic than main stream smoke of cigarettes and condensate is 2-6 times more carcinogenic than the smoke condensate of the main thread. Secondhand smoke can cause cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, asthma and pneumonia among innocent people. This is especially dangerous for children and can cause sudden infant death in the first year of life, frequent respiratory infections, including pneumonia, ear infections, aggravated asthma, etc.
in addition, the secondary smoke does not disappear, it contained harmful compounds settle and remain permanently on walls, carpets, upholstery, auto interior, surfaces of furniture and objects is called tertiary smoke. It is from 6 to 12 times more toxic than “fresh” second-hand smoke. Modern research has proved that the reaction surface associated nicotine – the main component of tertiary smoke with nitrous acid formed carcinogenic tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSN), and the reaction with ozone is toxic aldehydes. Today it is known that tertiary smoke was unacceptably high in areas where Smoking is accepted. It contains a variety of mutagens and carcinogens, i.e. substances that cause cancer. And also especially dangerous for children. Many studies have shown that when exposed to tertiary smoke concentration of its components, metabolites of nicotine, acrolein, etc. – is much higher in children than in adults. It causes DNA damage, can induce genetic and epigenetic mutations that lead to the development of malignant tumors.
Thursday, may 7, head of the Federal centre for the prevention and control of tobacco consumption SMRC therapy and preventive medicine of the Minzdrav of Russia, candidate of medical science marine Gambaryan will tell you what should be the algorithm of quitting.