Scientists for another seven days distanced forecast the completion the outbreak of the coronavirus in Russia — until 24 August. This was reported in the updated materials Singapore University of technology and design.

Date away the first time. Previously predicted that the outbreak in Russia could end in August 17 to August 12, which in turn was the result of a shift for another four days ahead.

As the authors of the model, the projected date may change in either direction depending on the current situation and measures taken.

Scientists warn that countries that withdraw prematurely restrictive measures may face a new surge in the incidence.

The experts studied data on 131 the state. To predict used, in particular, the SIR-model — a mathematical model of the spread of infection, which describes the dynamics of susceptible, infected and recovered.

The authors note that any forecasts should be treated with caution and warn about the dangers of "overly optimistic".

the Pandemic coronavirus

Coronavirus COVID-19 identified in almost all countries of the world. According to the latest world health organization, the number of cases exceeded 3.5 million, about 245 thousand died.

Russia has registered about 155 thousand cases of infection, about 1,500 died, 20 were cured. In the last three days, the daily number of newly detected cases exceeded 10 thousand.

Recent data on the situation of COVID-19 in Russia and the world presented on the portal stopmanager.of the Russian Federation.