the US President Donald trump said that the US government is irrelevant to the fact that the Venezuelan government called a failed attempt at an armed invasion of the country. About it reports Reuters.
trump did not comment in detail on the detention during the invasion of the two “mercenaries” who were citizens of the United States. He only said that this has yet to understand. “But it has nothing to do with our government”, — said the head of state.
during the invasion of Venezuela, eight of the attackers were eliminated, and two others are detained. 13 people were arrested throughout the country on charges of involvement in the attempted coup.
Earlier, the President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro announced that two U.S. citizens who were detained during the marine invasion, are members of the personal guard of the President of the trump. Maduro also claims that the invasion took place with the funding and support of the governments of the United States and Colombia.
At the moment, over 25 thousand soldiers from the Venezuelan naval, air and ground forces participate in the exercises. They will be distributed across the country to ensure the safety of local residents.