One of the biggest sports trials in the United States in recent years has become a process within which women football national team trying to recover from the American football Federation $66 million in compensation for gender discrimination. Athletes insist on equal pay for their labor. The court of first instance, their claim was rejected, but the players intend to appeal this decision.Among the main American sports news last weekend was the news about the end in the Federal court of California and the plaintiffs in which there were 28 players for team USA, which owns the world title, and the defendant, the Federation of football of the country (USSF). It is a very loud legal confrontation that has lasted for more than a year.The American team led by Olympic champion, the hugely popular athlete Alex Morgan are trying to prove gender discrimination. The campaign for its eradication for a long time with varying success leads international football Union FIFPro. In damages of soccer players demanded payment of their $66 million, referring primarily to the current US Law on equal pay.To prove in court the discrimination American women, however, could not. Judge Gary Klausner explained that “women’s team USA soccer itself has rejected the proposal of payments by the same system that operates in the men’s team,” and that “plaintiffs cannot retroactively argue that the conditions of their collective agreement is worse than the conditions of the contract of men’s national teams, given that they have refused such scheme of payments”.In addition, the court decision States that “during the reporting period, the women’s team had paid more than men — both in the aggregate and on average per game”. However, the players believe that this fact is explained very simply: in the aggregate they spent a lot more matches than American football players and has achieved much better results. So women’s team USA won the world Cup in 2019, while men’s are unable a year earlier even qualify for their championship. “If we were made “male” a contract that would have earned three times as much. How can I get more money if we are winning wherever possible, during the last years: twice at the world Championships and in almost all of the matches?” quotes girls Megan Rapino CNN.Meanwhile, the denial of the claim does not mean the end of the confrontation. Press Secretary of the athletes Molly Levinson has said that they will appeal this verdict. “We are shocked and disappointed by the decision, but we do not intend to surrender and will continue struggle for equal payment terms labor. We are sure that girls and women who do this sport should not be viewed as less significant just because of the sex. We learned that there are obstacles to change, we know that the struggle takes courage, courage and perseverance,” Levinson was quoted by NBC News.Catherine of Semisovereignty and girls, daily spending 12.5 billion hours on unpaid work, are the “hidden engine” of the global economy, the report says Oxfam. The growth and aging of the population burden for the care of children and elderly will only grow if the government will not actively invest in infrastructure — the money is proposed to withdraw due to an increase in taxes for the rich.Read more