Can supermarkets to require customers to wear medical masks

several supermarkets began to demand from the visitors at the entrance to the shopping halls to wear medical masks. In the Russian regions, where the compulsory wearing of medical masks in public places is not entered, the request of the administration of the store is illegal, told “RG” the Chairman of the Center for legal aid “Business of life”, member of the scientific Advisory Board of the Investigative Committee of Russia, honored lawyer of the Russian Federation Ivan Solovyov.

If the store without a mask still is not allowed, the consumers need to file a complaint in the CPS, the police and the Prosecutor’s office and in the local regional headquarters for combating coronavirus.

Some supermarkets, citing increased safety standards, also propose to buy a protective mask in place – at the entrance to the trade hall. To purchase this product or not – the choice of the buyer. To insist on this purchase stores can’t. It’s against the law.

however, in some regions today, in its legislation, under which introduced the mandatory wearing of medical masks in public places, including transport and shops. Such a rule, for example, operates in Novosibirsk, Vladimir, Kemerovo, Ivanovo and Sverdlovsk regions, Khabarovsk territory, on Kamchatka, in Bashkiria and Sevastopol, partly in Yakutia. There is a requirement to wear medical masks when shopping is legal.