the Greatest value for the Belarusians called Belarusian President Alyaksandar Lukashenka “creative work under a peaceful sky” in greeting, which he sent on may 1 to compatriots in connection with labour day, reported the press service of the head of state.

may day, he said, symbolizes the solidarity of workers, blurs the boundaries between countries and generations. In Belarus, noted the President, “honor and thanks go to all the labor collectives, veterans, young professionals, anyone who contributes to the common good, makes the homeland richer and more beautiful”.

In the Republic, says the greeting, the people builds the future on the principles of social justice, boundless respect for caring and talented professionals who spare no effort, ready to solve the most difficult problems facing the state and protect our people from any adversity. “Together we will cope with all the challenges of time” – expressed confidence the head of state.

by the Way, the first day in may, the national statistical Committee has published data of the statistical survey over the past year, according to which men in this almost ten-country dominate the construction industry in Belarus, and women are most busy in the field of education, health and social services.

as for Belarus, it will in 2019 were busy 4 330,1 million thousand people (mostly in industry and services). According to statistics, at the beginning of this year the total number of employees in manufacturing men accounted for 62.4 per cent and in the services sector the situation is the opposite. The share of female labour exceeds 68 percent.

According to a sample survey, among the economically active population had higher education, more than a third of respondents, and secondary – 23.1 percent, vocational – 28.5 percent.

the employment rate of the population of working age, according to the same source, amounted to 83.4 percent, and the average age of employees in the past year was at the level of 40.9 years.