MOSCOW, 30 Jul – RIA Novosti. Love arises to whom the person is investing power, and marriage involves overcoming difficulties, so to get married every five years – is unacceptable, said the chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar.

“I am Confident that over time the institution of marriage will become stronger and more in demand. Because marriage implies responsibility to each other, love to the sacrifice… Love arises as to whom one gives, in whom he invests power”, – quotes the words of Rabbi’s press service.

He stressed that marriage is a happiness, which, however, does not involve a pleasure. “There are different periods, difficulties that need to work together to overcome. And to live to get married every five years, it is impossible”, – said Lazar.

According to him, often the rabbis sent a pair of “questions about family life” to family psychologists. In his opinion, light irresponsible attitude, “when a person chooses a life together with a partner just for the sake of their own comfort,” gradually becoming obsolete.

According to the press service, Lazar married since 1989 to Hannah Derain. He is the father of 14 children, many of whom created their own family.