Hotels and resorts of the Crimea kept the half armor for the summer

Crimean sanatoriums and hotels kept a high level booking for the summer season. This was reported by Minister of resorts and tourism of the Republic of Kazakhstan Vadim Volchenko.

According to him, many vacationers have agreed not to cancel, but to postpone the trip to the Peninsula for a more favorable period.

– today, reservation in resorts saved more than 60 percent in the hospitality sector, large and small hotels by 30-40 percent. Many hotels and resorts have received significant payment for vacation, the money they have invested in preparation for the season, in the repair of rooms, preparation of beaches, purchase of equipment, furniture. And of course the return of the money tourists can become a big problem. So we try to talk with customers and to convince them not to cancel, and transfer of armor – quotes Vadim Volchenko press service of the Ministry of resorts.

the Minister noted that in the absence of negative dynamics in the spread of coronavirus infection, sanatorium-resort complex of Crimea will be able to start preparing for the summer season may 12. We are talking about maintenance and repair works, the preparation of beaches with the observance of all necessary measures of prevention and disinfection.

After a powerful blow that the coronavirus caused the resort industry of Crimea region as an attractive domestic tourism will have a competitive advantage due to its nature, sea air and unique products.

– Crimea traditionally for many decades considered to be the best place for rehabilitation from the point of view of respiratory diseases, reminded Volchenko. – Come here for rehabilitation, to restore, to children received vitamin D from the sun and the sea.

At the same time, the head of the administration of Yalta Ivan Imgrunt said that the resort capital of the Peninsula will be able to start the season literally in day of lifting of the alert.

– If we now execute the decree of the President of the Republic of Crimea, we will have a good holiday season. We’re actively building our beach area, motels, hotels, restaurants, cafes, waterfront, and actively carry out greening – said Imgrund.

As reported earlier, according to forecasts of the Ministry of resorts and tourism of the RK, because of the situation with coronavirus in April and may, the Crimea will miss roughly 900-950 thousand tourists.

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