Scientists found out which diseases are the most dangerous when infected with coronavirus. It is reported Daily Mail citing a report from the organization of ISARIC.

the Study showed that 50% are infected with coronavirus have one or more chronic diseases. The risk of death for these patients increased by nearly 40%.

Most complications occur in people with dementia – the death rate 39% higher compared to other categories of cases. 37% more risk of death for cases COVID-19 are obese, 31% more people are dying from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

diseases Such as diabetes, asthma and kidney disease also affect the probability of infection and mortality.

Previously, Chinese scientists conducted a study and found out why men carry heavier COVID-19 than women. It turned out that the cells of the lungs of men contain more molecules of the receptor ACE2, which plays an important role during infection.

Read the material: to Clarify the cause of the high mortality rate from coronavirus among men