In the Ternopil region of Ukraine from the coronavirus has died, a priest, conducted secretly worship. About it reports “112 Ukraine”.

The priest was 55 years old. Despite quarantine restrictions, the man secretly held divine services in a private home.

His circle of contacts installed. Now they have taken the tests for coronavirus infection, which are sent to Ternopil for the study.

Patient COVID-19 Ukrainians got drunk and went for a walk

Earlier it was reported that in Ternopil region infected with coronavirus, the priest conducted the service and burial and had contact with about 500 citizens. The priest did not know she was sick when in contact with the people, was diagnosed when he was in intensive care.

From 6 April in Ukraine, has tightened measures to combat coronavirus. Quarantine mode is extended by the government until may 11. In the country restricted the movement of people for time spent on the street, prohibited events. Ukrainians are obliged to be in public places in the PPE.

According to the latest data, Ukraine had contracted the coronavirus 9866 people, 250 died. Total number infected with virus SARS-CoV-2 in the world exceeded three million people.