MOSCOW, 28 APR — RIA Novosti. Shortness of breath may indicate the development of severe forms COVID-19, said the chief pulmonologist of Ministry of health Sergey Avdeev in the program “60 minutes” on TV channel “Russia 1”.

“you Have to follow your feelings. The most important symptom is a high fever and cough, and shortness of breath”, he said.

When the shortness of breath should seek medical care, said the expert.

At last, in Russia COVID-19 diagnosed 93 of 558 employees (increase per day +7.4%), died because of the disease 867 patients recovered 8456. In the world recorded more than 2.9 million slucki sarjenka, over 198 thousand people died.

Current data on the situation of COVID-19 in Russia and the world presented on the portal stopmanager.of the Russian Federation.