Russian doctor hospital new York Eugene Pinelis keeps a daily diary of combating coronavirus. For two months, as it would seem in the coolest city on the planet fighting the epidemic. Alas, the numbers affected COVID-19 is through the roof. “Today in the United States will be registered more than one million patients. What we so long sought. We returned from Miami on February 25 in one day, and maybe one flight with patient zero of new Rochelle. Since then things started to happen…” , – says Eugene.

the Man who is currently working in the “red zone” sums up the sad results:

– “so, a million patients. During this time, was not published in any halfway decent study on pharmacological treatment, we still do not fully understand the pathogenesis of this infection, though, something becomes clear.”

However, despite numerous comments to the doctors that they do everything wrong, the medics worked:

– At this time we were heading to the peak, the hospital was filled with turning blue, choking people, many feared that the ventilation is not enough. We had a ventilator, we understand the subtypes of respiratory failure in this infection, have learned to understand who and when should a respirator, and who can give a chance to avoid it. (Turns out not all, but some people are lucky. Or well the therapy is working).

Next Eugene touched especially discussing the painful issue: the application of artificial ventilation

– Now, about ventilation. The important thing is that you say all the gurus and often: “IVL – not treatment.” IVL – no antibiotic that will get rid of infection and no surgical procedure which will relieve the affected organ. Ventilation supportive therapy. The alternative to it is death by suffocation.

Then, the doctor describes the look of a man diagnosed with COVID, not able to breathe.

– have You seen die from suffocation? I saw. And remember I will always and all. The patient with end-stage pulmonary fibrosis, which is the ventilator really was contraindicated, as they could not get a lung transplant. Older people with severe pneumonia, who have chosen to renounce ventilation. The morphine helps, but not completely. And it is necessary to wait from the pharmacy. And to see breath for forty five times per minute (just try), bluish lips, nonsense or horror.

During an epidemic of kovid-19 we’ve all seen it dozens of times. Patients, escaping from the hands of doctors and nurses and giraudie yourself with an oxygen mask. Or just concentrated on breathing. All of these 45 breaths. For sixty seconds. When the diaphragm works the whole body, sometimes it seems that even the calf muscles.

Then he talked about how dangerous the ventilator and its costly alternatives.

– the ventilator does not cure. IVL supports. And does it max��but unpleasant way. IVL is the absolute opposite of normal respiratory physiology. Nature has created our respiratory system in a certain way and suggested that in case of failure of the system, we die. But we invented the fan. The alternative is death. We have another alternative. Such as ecmo (extracorporeal invasive method of blood oxygen saturation (oxygenation) with the development of severe acute respiratory failure). Insanely expensive and not less hard to endure treatment for the elite. But for a city with ten million inhabitants, there are maybe three dozen of these devices. Maybe five. And we have Mor, hundreds of patients a day in need of alternative natural breath.

Eugene explains that the main use of a ventilator.

– a ventilator can damage the lungs. Alas. Even in the short term. …Unfortunate in this recently published article is on a ventilator died 88 percent of patients. Maybe next post I’ll write about why such results. And why that’s not true. …Until then, please speculate all you want, what is better steroids or inhibitors interleukins, plasma, or quinine, heparin, or ramdevpir, stem cells or placental extract, powdered zinc. But please leave the respirator for those who knows this dish to cook.

see also: ventilation only helps a third of patients with coronavirus: a new study of the British