Forever young mother of five adult children has revealed the secret of its appeal

a Resident of the English city of Sheffield has revealed the secrets of their attractive and youthful appearance. Her words quoted by the Daily Mail.

the 62-year-old Catherine Danzi (Kathryn Danzey) said that after completing culinary courses in Siena, she began to follow the Mediterranean diet. “In addition, my husband and I are trying to grow their own fruit and vegetables. Work in the garden has increased my stamina in the sport,” said “forever young” mother of five adult children.

in Order to remain attractive and to always be in shape, on weekdays Dense 20 minute yoga video lessons. “I spend a lot of time hunched in front of a computer. Yoga helps to improve posture,” she explained. The Briton added that love home workouts before the country imposed a regime of isolation of coronavirus.

the Last three years Dansi every month makes the procedure A-Lift. “This is a cosmological non-invasive therapy, in which you microcurrents stimulate the production of collagen and tone the muscles”, she said. The British never had Botox, and anti-wrinkle cream uses patches for the face.

Before Danzi worked in nutrition, and her husband was an engineer. In 2003 the couple decided to start a family business producing collagen supplements. “Now our day starts with a 40 minute walk with the dog,” she said, noting that it has a positive effect on her appearance.

Previously, the appearance of “forever young” large British women Claire Barrett (Claire Barratt) affected users of the video service TikTok. Although women 40 years and she has six children, the audience often take her for a girlfriend of her own son.