Stupid blogger a new conflict Sobchak and Boni

TV star Victoria Bonya — stupid. About this journalist Ksenia Sobchak said in his instagram.

Bonia, as reported by the “Rambler”, — the former participant reality show “House 2” and a supporter of the theory that the pandemic coronavirus infection COVID-19 is a worldwide conspiracy.


Yesterday, the film producer Alexander Rodnyansky has criticized her for that on my instagram. He called the TV star a glamorous lady, and her opinion about the situation with the spread of coronavirus infection — a wild conspiracy nonsense and aggressive ignorance. Night Sobchak, former leader of the “House 2”, placed in storis post a screenshot of Rodnyansky.

“Even E. Alexander could not stand the stupidity of some bloggers”, signed it.

In December, China started the outbreak of disease infection COVID-19, which causes the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. In March, the world health organization (who) declared the outbreak a pandemic. According to recent reports, globally the number of cases exceeded 2.7 million people, the number of recovered — 742,8 thousand people, the number of deaths — 190,8 thousand people.