In Syria prepare field observation points for patients with COVID 19

In Syria prepare field observation points for patients with COVID 19

KHAN shaykhun (Syria), 24 APR – RIA Novosti. Syrian army deploys to the field observation items for patients with suspected novel coronavirus infection. In addition, mobile teams of the Syrian virologists started to work at checkpoints on key roads of the country, to better identify the patients.

One of these points deployed in the city of Khan shaykhun in the South of Idlib province, which just over six months ago was released by the militants. The Observatory consists of two tents and hospital, here taking a survey of people from nearby provinces – Hama, Idlib, and other.

“If the patient has a fever and cough, he is here, we observe that, parallel to treat by conventional means. Give drink, antipyretics. If no improvement occurs, we direct the patient to a Central hospital in Hama or HOMS. If he’s getting better, we send him home and continue to treat him at home,” – told reporters a military doctor of the Syrian army, Mohamed Ahmed.

Patients see here more than two days. Here, yet not taking any hospitalized with confirmed coronavirus. “We don’t know much yet about the new virus, orientirueshsya on international experience. The main task – to limit contact with people, – said the medic Samar Author. – In Syria there were outbreaks of various infectious diseases, I am sure, to cope with this. Until the situation is stable”.

Observatory and special compartments for people with suspected coronavirus unfurled on all government-controlled Syrian territories. Doctors fighting the spread of the virus not only in hospitals, but on busy roads. At the major checkpoints between the provinces drivers meet not only military but civilian virologists. One of such posts arranged at the border of the provinces of Hama and Latakia.

“We measure the temperature of all passengers in each car. The procedure is simple. The error of the thermometer no more than two tenths of a degree,” explained a hospital nurse Tama Hassan running in the mobile medical team at the checkpoint.

According Misawa Syria, the country infected 42 people, recovered six patients, three died. According to the information of the interdepartmental coordinating staff of Russia and Syria, the Republic’s authorities are making significant efforts to eliminate threats to government-controlled areas. Meanwhile, Damascus has asked the UN to examine the situation with the spread of coronavirus infection in the camp of er-Ruban, which is controlled by the United States area on the Syrian-Jordanian border.

in addition, the Russian foreign Ministry drew attention to the information on the explosive growth in the number of cases of infection with coronavirus among American soldiers who are illegally in Syria.

Current data on the situation of COVID-19 in Russia and the world presented on the portal stopmanager.of the Russian Federation.