USA will allocate half a trillion dollars to fight the effects of coronavirus

USA will allocate half a trillion dollars to fight the effects of coronavirus

the U.S. Congress approved a package of new economic measures to combat the negative impact of coronavirus on the economy of the country. About it reports TASS.

the House of representatives agreed to allocate nearly $ 500 billion, for a reduction of the negative impact of the epidemic on the country’s economy. The Senate approved the adoption of this measure earlier this week.

soon the document will be signed by the President of the United States Donald trump.

In late March, the U.S. Senate passed a bill to allocate two trillion dollars to support the economy because of the pandemic coronavirus. The package includes $ 350 billion to support small businesses, $ 250 billion for extended unemployment insurance, and another $ 500 billion on the formation of stabilization Fund of support of businesses, cities and States that will be hardest hit because of a virus.