The number of cases COVID 19 in Uzbekistan increased by 23

The number of cases COVID 19 in Uzbekistan increased by 23

TASHKENT, April 23 – RIA Novosti. The number of infected with the coronavirus in Uzbekistan grew by 23 and reached 1,758 thousand, the number recovered has increased by 58, to 561, was reported in the press service of the Ministry of health of the country.

Earlier on Thursday informed the number of reported cases of coronavirus amounted to 1735, seven patients died, 503 recovered.

“as of April 23, 2020 22.30 (20.30 GMT) in Uzbekistan, the number of cases of infection with coronavirus infection is 1758”, – stated in the message in the Telegram channel, Ministry of health. Thursday was recorded 42 new cases on Wednesday – 38, Tuesday – 51.

According to authorities, on Thursday also recovered another 58 patients, the total number of opravivshis from coronavirus infection in Uzbekistan increased to 561. Just Thursday recorded 111 cases of recovery is a new highest healed per day since the advent of the infection in the country. The previous best figure was recorded here Tuesday a total of 96 people.

the Uzbek Authorities from 1 April imposed in Tashkent and regions, the regime of self-isolation, citizens over 65 years of age are forbidden to leave the house. Almost 90 thousand people are quarantined. Special Commission for combating coronavirus has extended the quarantine restrictions in the country until may 10.

the world health organization on 11 March announced the outbreak of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 pandemic. According to the latest who data, there have been recorded more than 2.5 million cases of infection, over 175 thousand people died.

the Latest data on the situation of COVID-19 in Russia and the world presented on the portal stopmanager.of the Russian Federation.