The head of the Moscow region allowed the deterioration of the situation with coronavirus in may

The head of the Moscow region allowed the deterioration of the situation with coronavirus in may

Despite the fact that the permit system of transportation in the Moscow region shows a good effect, in may, the situation with the spread of the coronavirus may deteriorate. Such forecast was made the Governor of Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov.

“self-Isolation gives a result that is a fact. But testing for each is simply impossible”, – he said on air of TV channel “Russia 24”.

In the suburbs, where to date more than 180 thousand of testing and already found more than 6 thousand patients, at first wanted to open an additional 1.5 thousand hospital beds for the coronavirus. Then the number increased to 7.6 thousand. Now the authorities say about the opening 11 of thousands of infectious beds. “Unfortunately, the beds are filling up fast.” – says the Governor.