Scientist called steps to avoid a second wave of coronavirus

Scientist called steps to avoid a second wave of coronavirus

GENOA, April 23 – RIA Novosti. Tests that determine the presence of antibodies to the coronavirus COVID-19, and identifying the infection at an early stage can help avoid a second wave of infections, said RIA Novosti medical scientist, Professor of University of Genoa Roberto Gasparini.

“the Use of serological tests (to detect antibodies – ed.) will vary depending on the phase of the pandemic. Currently, the pandemic moves to the transition phase. At this stage, serological tests can be very useful. When we finally reach the phase of lesser risk, they can be used to quickly identify new cases that can trigger a new wave of the epidemic,” said Gasparini.

Thursday the Italian region of Lombardy, which has become the epicentre of the outbreak of coronavirus, conducts serologic blood tests to detect antibodies. As noted in the message region tests will be held in the most affected provinces of Lodi, Cremona, Bergamo and Brescia. From 29 April, they will distribute throughout the area. It is assumed that on the day of the tests will be held about 20 thousand people.

the Unit tests that are manufactured by the Italian company Diasorin, allow to automatically identify the presence of antibodies to the coronavirus. It will also be able to determine the number already ill, whose diagnosis was not established by traditional methods, which are a swab from the nose and throat or molecular diagnostics.

According to the latest official data, as of the environment in Italy was recorded more than 187 thousand cases of infection by new type of coronavirus, over 54 thousand patients recovered, the total number of victims has exceeded 25 thousand people.

the world health organization on 11 March announced the outbreak of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 pandemic. According to the latest world health organization, worldwide there were more than 2.47 million infections, more than 169 thousand people died.

the Latest data on the situation of COVID-19 in Russia and the world presented on the portal stopmanager.of the Russian Federation.